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Saturday, 13.08.2016
Finally, the weather seems to look like friendly today a bit more warm that yesterday. even a still hangover from last night but it normal at Metal festival it masts bee like that. just hurry up get some Breakfast because I don't want to miss the first band plays at the main stage.
when we arrive at the ground stage it was so crowded waiting of the Goregrind band from Nederland, Rectal Smegma, at the time there already stand a bodybuilder guy Yannic with green short pants. seem they look like fans of green color I don't know sure about that but you can see on the cover Banner and the guitar player has green color guitar also the light stage are green. they are more great powerful live performance and funny. the big Circle-Pit begins and full of confetti are flying in the air. was a great show for early noon which great weather and nice beers there, not excuse complaining. that all most metalhead need.
The second band on the last day of Party.San, Iron Reagen, a crossover thrash. since the band is formed in 2012 they already released 2 full-length albums and an EP. At the beginning was a project band which members of Municipal Waste and Darkest Hour. Sound and mix with hardcore punk, faster, harder, aggressive and so struggling with groove and catchiness. The approach is very simple and the riffs.
Delightfully rough Black Metal from Norway Svarttjern. it was a project band by to brother Hans Fyrste and HaaN in 2003after that they decided to bring more musicians to the band to be able to start doing some live shows and new levels. full emotion and motivation, it was impression live performance usually, I'm not really into Black Metal but at the song "All Hail Satan" from the new album Dødsskrik was the great track. also, the crowd that the ranks fill up quickly.
Time from German Death Metal from North Rhine-Westphalia hit the main stage Sulphur Aeon. great mixing like Behemoth, Hypocrisy, Immolation and orthodox Black Metal Watain, Ascension. they were at Party.san 2014 now finally have a chance to enter the Mainstage. However, you will experience an incredibly intense Death Metal experience.Absolutely epic performance and the are a much better live performance that before.
Following by a greek Band Suicidal Angels. Their thrash goes quickly into the ear and provides for collective propeller circles in the audience. sound to Slayer, Kreator and Sodom among others. Division of Blood" Get all kinds of old school Slayer vibes, is energetic, fun and quite addictive, aggressive but at the same time possess a sense of melody and groove. The Greeks Thrash can confidently book their excursion to Schlotheim as a success.
British Death Metal Memoriam, the band was a new project band by frontman Karl Willets of a band called Bolt Thrower, never hear them before. I've read that they should sound like Bolt Thrower. old-school death metal very aggressive melodious and groovy they are not quite far from Bolt Thrower. The British also have their own demo and band has a full album of material scheduled. Can't wait to hear that.
The Scandinavian Black Metal clearly the classic, Nifelheim, sound old school thrash metal, punk which melodious guitar riffing and in my opinion they nearly into black metal sound, it more rock and heavy metal. but they are a crazy white mask and full of spike and great stage performance which keep contact with the audience.
Grave who doesn't know them the old school Death Metal Band from Sweden, even they are so many time has been playing at PartySan but still have fun to see the here again. in the beginning the sound was not quite good and loud after view track slowly the sound get better and better, finally, come to a view of my favorite track from them "Into the Grave " and "'Out Of Respect For The Dead". even some track already old more the 25 years but if you listening to it the sound like fresh and new. great performance and nice to have them here again at PartySan 2016.
Immolation the Death Metal from New York, United States, I have seemed them several time live performance, always give the best performance to the audience. they are clearly that technical Death Metal, not only faster but there some groovy part. which full of energy and power on the stage even there are 3 guys on the big PartySa main Stage, usually they 4 but one of them have had an issue with family and he must back home. it was nice to see them here at partySan 2016.
Norwegischer Black Metal Taake, from the name you make already know where they are come from. Taake is somehow such a thing, somehow good, sometimes embarrassing. But the peoples are streaming into the front of the main stage. whatever I'm not so much into the Black metal band but some of them are a great band. but still had fun to see they wheel enjoy drink my beer from behind.
The legend of Germany Thrash Metal from Gelsenkirchen Sodom. the band was formed in 1981 by Tom Angelripper. They have gone through many line-up changes. While three of those bands created a sound that would influence death metal and black metal."In war and pieces". The sound is almost perfect, Bernemann has his guitar absolutely under control and just like the entire weekend. and also view new tracks from new album mix with old track very classic like 'Sodomy And Lust', 'Outbreak Of Evil', 'Surfin' Bird', City Of God ',' Blasphemer great mix of set list and also they play a cover song from "Motorhead", "Iron Fist " the song dedicated to Lemmy. a big massive crowd, was great to see them.
The time is still running, it was already late at night and there come one more band the headliner for the last of PartySan, At The Gates. Even we feel tired and hungry but we not gonna miss the show.before the headliner to the last day of PartySan hit the stage better get some food and some more beer. very color full at the main stage come out from the stage light and there you can see the Sweden guys already stand and ready to start the show. The legendary of Death Metal they had been 2 times breaking up, on 2010 it was the second reformed of them. at the beginning was Death Metal band now turn into Melodic Death Metal. but sound doesn’t difference. excellent riffing guitar every tight sound especially the frontman Tomas Lindberg he was moving around the stage, constantly animating the fans and in close contact with the front row of audience.shocked faces and horns in the air throughout the venue, People were banging all over the place and the pit got violent, The fans eagerly followed and made that show one big party.incredible and magical performance on the last day of PartySan 2016.
Never realize that PartySan 2016 are the end, feel like we were just come here yesterday but it not, already 3 days how fast time is running away but we have been a pleasure and an honor to have been part of it. for sure we will come back here again and look forward of PartySan 2017.