The gate of hell will open soon, Party.San Open Air 2024. One of the Extreme Music Festivals in Europe. The most fans of Metal Extreme are waiting for it every year, It will take place from August 8th to 10th, 2024. in Schlotheim at the Obermehler airfield Thuringia.
The Party.San Open Air Organizer always takes great bands, in the genres of Death Metal, Brutal Death Metal, Black Metal, Doom Metal, and Grindcore from around the world. When we look at the Party.San Open Air Billing 2024 is a completely insane killer lineup you will be not disappointed.
One or the other cracker has already been announced. Let’s start with the bigger bands and work our way down the billing.
Abbath | Afsky | Akhlys | Alkaloid | Anaal Nathrakh | Bastard Grave | Behemoth | Bewitched | Blood Fire Death | Broken Hope | Cloak | Cryptopsy | Darkened Nocturn Slaughtercult | Disentomb | Enthroned | Eternal Champion | Grave | Hate | Heretoir | Horresque | Imha Tarikat | Incantation | Iron Walrus | Konvent | Kraanium | Krzysztof Drabikowski’s Батюшка | Left To Die | Legion Of The Damned | Malphas | Mephorash |My Dying Bride | Necrot | Non Est Deus | Obscura | Obscurity | Phantom Winter | Regarde Les Hommes Tomber | Ritual Death | Rope Sect |Sacramentum | Schammasch | Sodom | Sólstafir | Stillbirth | Sulphur Aeon | Terrorizer | Ultha | Unto Others | Varathron | Vorga | Wilt.
More Bands will to be announced just check out the running order of all the bands on the link below here:
Beautiful morning, full of energy, seems like I had a nice sleep last night, and also the weather is perfect. I am excited about the band gonna play but before that let’s get some breakfast and do a checklist with the band I want to see. It is quite hard to decide which band I want to see because some bands I know and some I don’t know let’s see what happens letter, it can be surprising.
As usual at PartySan on Friday, the opening band is always some Grindcore, Goregrind band which means there will be to a big party soon at Main Stage, this time the Goregrind Brutal Death Metal band comes from Belgium, Brutal Sphincter. with two frontmen with two different characters, their music very catchy, groovy heavy mix Hardcore, Punk, Death metal Grindcore, Goregrind. Massive circle pit without ends at from row of the main Stage which wearing many kinds of funny Costumes. Balls, toilet brushes, and toilet paper flying in the air. It was a great show and a great party for the early day.
Next Melodic Death Metal from Australia Be’lakor. Heading all the way from Australia this Melodic Death Metal Outfit is the second band on the main stage on Friday. The band chose this early slot themselves as their touring schedule takes them up to Finland right after this show. Their mix of atmospheric and sometimes progressive Melo Death went down really well with the crowd, the sound was clear and powerful. The epic „Countless Skies“ closed off a really good but too short set, hope these guys come back soon!
Next up was the German Old School Death Metal band Endseeker who already played in the Tentstage back in 2018, so this year they conquered the main stage, and well deservedly after 3 very solid albums! Their catchy and energetic HM2-driven Death Metal style in very loud and massive sound won over the crowd immediately, as did their likable frontman Lenny with his lunatic stage presence! he served up the appropriate texts for the intermezzo. What is impressive, however, is that they are getting better and better on stage thanks to the experience they have gained over the last few years. The very likable gang offered a nice and groovy performance that seemed to me like a successful hybrid of Bolt Thrower, Benediction, and US-Old-School Death
Yoth Iria The Dress Black Metal, hit the main Stage one hour early as scheduled because Mantar will not be performing for health reasons, Grave Miasma will replace at 9 p.m. The Greeks have released an EP, a split, and a studio album. Most recently the record As The Flame Withers – there’s no need to talk about the motivation. Frontman The Magnus goes all out and destroys his microphone on his trip from the stage to the audience. Rolling wildly across the stage, he is completely in his element. The presentation of the new black metal institution is not bad, with the classic Corpse Paint Eye Catcher. The sound is dark and full of doom elements that stay positive in your head. Great performance.
Kanonenfieber the Blackened Death Metal from Bamberg Germany, with a Large Zeppelin backdrop, it’s time for cannon fever from Bamberg. The southern Germans jump back to the time of the First World War. Founded by Noise, he pulls all the strings on the project and only receives live support. The Baptism of Fire, Fat Bertha, and The Battle of Tannenberg are received hungrily. In the last few months, the group around the mastermind has been able to make a name for itself as a top live actor and confirms this trend directly on the battlefield in Schlotheim. The atmosphere is frosty, the songs leave their mark and yet you can still speak of a really strong gig. The topic has its hard sides that cannot be glossed over. Trench Songs and The Fusilier place their dirty finger deep into the already festering wound. You should have cannon fever on your radar if you like German lyrics that sing about historical war chapters. The popularity is justified, the show, despite the live line-up, is a strong and awesome performance.
The Norwegian Black Metal Urgehal. It was delayed about 15 minutes, however, the entire stage set was changed twice in a very short space of time. Things have become damn quiet around the Hønefoss squad. With the last record Aeons In Sodom, it was over for the Scandinavians, who have been wanting to know it again since last year. Let’s see if there’s any new studio material or if they’ll just start playing live for now. The death of Trondr Nefas eleven years ago still resonates with Urgehal. Goatcraft Torment and Antireligiøs kick things off, followed by Satanic Black Metal In Hell. The veterans of the black genre are keen on the Norwegians, who are a little behind this year. Death Metal is clearly ahead at this year’s Party.San. However, Behemoth and Darkened Nocturn Slaughtercult are already available for next year. After Urgehal’s toxic ride, the stage remains in Scandinavian hands.
Illdisposed. Time for the Death Metal from Aarhus Dänemark“is back! For the first time since 2006 these Danish veterans. finally, we are back at PSOA! Led by frontman Bo Summer with his hilarious and funny announcements that he isn’t drunk today The frontman describes himself as old, we would say grown up. The mix of Death Metal hardness and Melodic Death Metal atmosphere creates a successful sound they made the crowd move with their groove-laden Death Metal hits like „Dark“ or „I Believe in Me“. Massive sound and lots of fun made this an early highlight of the day!
The trio with black hoodies Midnight. The American Black speed punk seems ready to that the action. The power trio knows how to skillfully ignite the tinder that is inherent in the genre mix of speed metal, punk, and black ‘n’ roll: Athenar and his guitarist collect a lot of steps, sprint from left to right, and transfer the energy to the audience, that appreciated the show with raised fists, crowd surfing and… a swarm of deposit cups flying towards the stage provoked by the band. Great sound and, a killer live show, always fun to see the performance from them.
The Polish Extreme Technical Death Metal,Decapitated the band I had been waiting for. I have been following this band for quite a long and also I have shown them several times live Performances. is once again giving it their all and the current studio album “Cancer Culture” also offers some absolute hits for the live setlist, the audience exhausted themselves a bit at the previous show. It’s a shame, but it’s still an entertaining and rock-solid three-quarters of an hour that guitarist Wacław Kiełtyka and his colleagues put together.
Grave Miasma the Death Metal Band from the UK. Usually, the band plays at the Tent stage, but now they play at the main stage to cover slots for the band Mantar, they can’t come because of Corona. However, this last-minute change doesn’t go so smoothly, because the band has to struggle with some technical difficulties at the beginning of the set: repeatedly too much bass, too little guitar, and the vocals are often lost. In return, GRAVE MIASMA gets a lot of pyrotechnics: walls of flames and fog support the black death metal of the Brits, who are certainly happy about the chance to take over the main stage at the best time of the year. However, you can already tell that the stage is a big one for GRAVE MIASMA – the band’s haunting sound works better on a smaller one with a stronger club feeling.
Dying Fetus, for the 6th Time this US Trio presented their unique Death Metal to the crowds at PSOA! In maybe the best sound of the whole festival the guys fired off their mix of brutal & technical but yet often groovy DM Hits like „In the Trenches“ or the fantastic „Grotesque Impalement“. The Americans deliver a colorful set from their entire creative phase and also have two pre-release singles from the upcoming album in their luggage. It was impressively demonstrate how Death Metal is presented to perfection on stage, without losing even a minimum of brutality and authenticity. With the last song “Wrong One To Fuck With” there is a huge hammer blow before you leave the stage for the outro of kool & the Gang. A once again amazing co-headlining gig from them!.
Hypocrisy, headlining on Friday were the Swedes of Hypocrisy. With an epic futuristic stage set their setlist contained a big variety of classics like „Fractured Millenium“ and „Roswell 47“, new tunes like „Chemical Whore“ and „Children of the Gray“ and some old, rarely played tracks like „Inferior Devotees “, Impotent God“ or „Mind Corruption“. The band around Peter Tägtgren was in good shape, but the sound was not perfect however as the bass and bass drum were too loud and the vocals a bit too low in the Mix. But all in all a worthy headliner with very cool setlist!
It was a great time and enjoyed seeing all the band performances on the Main Stage. even some of them are not the type of music I listen to. Already late now time to go get sleep and save the energy for tomorrow
The time running so fast, not realize that today is the last day of PartySan 2023. Back Stage ground even still early but it is nice to get something to eat and meet some friends. Slowly the Stage grounds got more people, 30 minutes before the opening band hit the stage the Stage grounds were already crowded.
Atomwinter, an Old-school Death Metal band from Göttingen Germany the opening slot for the last day of the festival. The band sounds old-school mixed with Bolt Thrower style which slow riffs guitar and traditional drum beat. I didn’t know this band before just heard the name but this is the first time seen them live. Great live performance it made all of the Old-school Death Metal fans enjoy all long the show for the early day.
Frozen Soul is an Old-school Death Metal Band from the USA, the band was a surprise because of the character of Typestyle they play, Old-school death Metal Reffs mixed with Slam Death Metal Reffs is a very interesting typical US Death Metal sound. Very catchy riffs slowly but killing with a traditional Old-school beat with Bolt Thrower style. I don’t know this band before. At some time on the front Stage, the crowd went nuts. Massive circle pit after circle pit without end till finished their set. This was… very amazing performance. Spectral Wound, the Canadian Black Metal. The next good act early on is Spectral Wound. The partygoers are still totally motivated on the third day and are keen to celebrate Extreme Metal. Imperial Saison Noire and Soul Destroying Black Debauchery from the black metallers weigh heavily. The riffs come out of the speakers weighing tons. Frigid And Spellbound and Aristocratic Suicidal Black Metal are viciously celebrated by Jona. The sound is strong the atmosphere has been good all afternoon and the big acts of the day are only playing in a few hours. Next is Skitsystem, The punky Black ‘N’ Roll from Göteborg, Schweden. The Swedes released their last album Stigmata in 2006. Having risen like a phoenix from the ashes, things are now going well again after the disbandment in 2007. To match the last piece of silver, they serve the title track Stigmata from the disc. It gets dusty on stage, the handwriting is old school and the Scandinavians still have a knife between their teeth. We didn’t have the men from Gothenburg on our list, who pull off more headbangers than you would have previously thought. The heavy thunderstorm passes the festival by a hair’s breadth. Although it rains during Ellende’s performance, the lightning storm and the heavy rain can only be seen on the horizon. Thor has mercy on us and prefers to leave Ellende to crash on stage. While the Austrians perform their ambient post-black metal, a fine rain falls on the runway. The typical smell of summer rain is in the air, while dark and depressive black metal hits your ears. The structure of LG’s project is very monotonous and clearly relies on attrition tactics. Fine highlights break up the dark chain mail, while the live line-up lets new and old material rain down on the soul. The atmosphere remains excellent, that is also our conclusion from Party.San 2023.
It’s time for the skinless. The Death Metal from New York to blow their death lead unadorned across the pond to Europe. While Chris Mahar is working on his shooting gallery, it is literally on fire. Free fire for the hungry Death Metal warriors, who simply knock it out without a backdrop or other visual accents. Today, especially in the first few hours, bands with a relatively low standing in the scene or who are considered underground gems and cannot be seen on every street corner are surprising. The area is in front of the stage a little less crowded than the day before, but Skinless are just as energetic as all the other acts of the day. Singer Jason Keyser sings My Hat, It Has Three Corners. He casually strolls across the boards in his cowboy hat and throws his hat into the crowd during the last song. Even if the formation claims to have gone over the top in the Brutal Assault the day before, it is still quite enough for a good performance a day later.
Impiety is another highlight for me, and not just because you don’t often have the opportunity to experience the veterans from Singapore in Europe. The men unleash a truly vicious and menacing primal force of old-school thrashy death and black metal that makes it a real joy to witness this inferno. I definitely have some catching up to do here in the next few weeks. I definitely have to dig through the Asians’ discography. (JD) Impiety also attracts visual attention with fire fountains and burning drum stands. But why the singer has to distort his microphone so much that it almost hurts his ears remains his secret. Back on the tent stage, ARSGOATIA’s monotonous guitar riffs dominate and create a doom-and-gloom atmosphere. Even though the band only has one album released, many people don’t want to miss the first PARTY.SAN appearance. Around the ex-Belphegor singer Bart, the Austrians show that atmospheric black metal works even without synthesizers and other nonsense.
The legendary of Death Metal Band Veterans From Immolation filled in for Vital Remains who had to cancel their performance. A worthy replacement! The band around vocalist and bassist Ross Dolan and guitarist Rob Vigna, with his unique moves, while playing the most intricate riffs, offered a setlist containing a great mix of classic and newer material such as „Under the Supreme“, „Harnessing Ruin“, „Providence“ or „The Age of no Light“ in powerful sound. Delivery of a powerful live performance undoubtedly highlights for all fans of extreme Music.
Borknagar after 21 years Borknagar from Norway finally returned to PSOA with their original style of progressive Black/Viking Metal. Now fronted by ICS Vortex they presented an amazing set of songs, including the epics „Up North“ and „Winter Thrice“, the classics „Colossus“, „Ruins of the Future“ and „The Dawn of the End“ and a stellar performance of the calm song „Voices“ with Keyboardist Lars on lead vocals. Mostly in very good sound (unfortunately, the mic of the lead guitarist was off the first half of the set) this was amongst my highlights of the festival!.
Endstille the Germany Black Metal. well, I don’t know so much music about this band never heard it before.
the Canadian Death Metal band guested for the 4th time at PSOA. Their modern Style made the crowd circle pitting and crowd surfing pushed by frontman Maurizio Iacono. Some older hits like „Manipulator of Souls“, „Shadows and Dust“ or „As I Slither“ were the highlights for me, with too much newer material being played for my taste. Overall a solid gig that also featured a brand new tune from their upcoming album „Goliath“.
Enslaved. 12 long years since their last PSOA performance the Norwegian Progressive Viking Black Metal giants finally returned! In perfect sound with a great light show they presented a special setlist for this final Ggg of the festival. Their 1994 debut album „Vikingligr Veldi“ was played in its entirety, and the epic opening song from „Eld“, „793 (Slaget om Lindisfarne)“ served as a surprise encore. As Enslaved has released some amazing albums over the last 10 years a setlist with some newer songs would be even better in my opinion. Nevertheless a great ending to an awesome PSOA 2023!
That was the end of PartySan Open Air 2023. It was an amazing time 3 days in a row listening to great bands’ performances and hanging out with friends, now we must wait for one year for the next edition of PartySan Open Air 2024.
The time running so fast, not realize that today is the last day of PartySan 2023. Back Stage ground even still early but it is nice to get something to eat and meet some friends. Slowly the Stage grounds got more people, 30 minutes before the opening band hit the stage the Stage grounds were already crowded.
Atomwinter, an Old-school Death Metal band from Göttingen Germany the opening slot for the last day of the festival. The band sounds old-school mixed with Bolt Thrower style which slow riffs guitar and traditional drum beat. I didn’t know this band before just heard the name but this is the first time seen them live. Great live performance it made all of the Old-school Death Metal fans enjoy all long the show for the early day.
Frozen Soul is an Old-school Death Metal Band from the USA, the band was a surprise because of the character of Typestyle they play, Old-school death Metal Reffs mixed with Slam Death Metal Reffs is a very interesting typical US Death Metal sound. Very catchy riffs slowly but killing with a traditional Old-school beat with Bolt Thrower style. I don’t know this band before. At some time on the front Stage, the crowd went nuts. Massive circle pit after circle pit without end till finished their set. This was… very amazing performance. Spectral Wound, the Canadian Black Metal. The next good act early on is Spectral Wound. The partygoers are still totally motivated on the third day and are keen to celebrate Extreme Metal. Imperial Saison Noire and Soul Destroying Black Debauchery from the black metallers weigh heavily. The riffs come out of the speakers weighing tons. Frigid And Spellbound and Aristocratic Suicidal Black Metal are viciously celebrated by Jona. The sound is strong the atmosphere has been good all afternoon and the big acts of the day are only playing in a few hours. Next is Skitsystem, The punky Black ‘N’ Roll from Göteborg, Schweden. The Swedes released their last album Stigmata in 2006. Having risen like a phoenix from the ashes, things are now going well again after the disbandment in 2007. To match the last piece of silver, they serve the title track Stigmata from the disc. It gets dusty on stage, the handwriting is old school and the Scandinavians still have a knife between their teeth. We didn’t have the men from Gothenburg on our list, who pull off more headbangers than you would have previously thought. The heavy thunderstorm passes the festival by a hair’s breadth. Although it rains during Ellende’s performance, the lightning storm and the heavy rain can only be seen on the horizon. Thor has mercy on us and prefers to leave Ellende to crash on stage. While the Austrians perform their ambient post-black metal, a fine rain falls on the runway. The typical smell of summer rain is in the air, while dark and depressive black metal hits your ears. The structure of LG’s project is very monotonous and clearly relies on attrition tactics. Fine highlights break up the dark chain mail, while the live line-up lets new and old material rain down on the soul. The atmosphere remains excellent, that is also our conclusion from Party.San 2023.
It’s time for the skinless. The Death Metal from New York to blow their death lead unadorned across the pond to Europe. While Chris Mahar is working on his shooting gallery, it is literally on fire. Free fire for the hungry Death Metal warriors, who simply knock it out without a backdrop or other visual accents. Today, especially in the first few hours, bands with a relatively low standing in the scene or who are considered underground gems and cannot be seen on every street corner are surprising. The area is in front of the stage a little less crowded than the day before, but Skinless are just as energetic as all the other acts of the day. Singer Jason Keyser sings My Hat, It Has Three Corners. He casually strolls across the boards in his cowboy hat and throws his hat into the crowd during the last song. Even if the formation claims to have gone over the top in the Brutal Assault the day before, it is still quite enough for a good performance a day later.
Impiety is another highlight for me, and not just because you don’t often have the opportunity to experience the veterans from Singapore in Europe. The men unleash a truly vicious and menacing primal force of old-school thrashy death and black metal that makes it a real joy to witness this inferno. I definitely have some catching up to do here in the next few weeks. I definitely have to dig through the Asians’ discography. (JD) Impiety also attracts visual attention with fire fountains and burning drum stands. But why the singer has to distort his microphone so much that it almost hurts his ears remains his secret. Back on the tent stage, ARSGOATIA’s monotonous guitar riffs dominate and create a doom-and-gloom atmosphere. Even though the band only has one album released, many people don’t want to miss the first PARTY.SAN appearance. Around the ex-Belphegor singer Bart, the Austrians show that atmospheric black metal works even without synthesizers and other nonsense.
The legendary of Death Metal Band Veterans From Immolation filled in for Vital Remains who had to cancel their performance. A worthy replacement! The band around vocalist and bassist Ross Dolan and guitarist Rob Vigna, with his unique moves, while playing the most intricate riffs, offered a setlist containing a great mix of classic and newer material such as „Under the Supreme“, „Harnessing Ruin“, „Providence“ or „The Age of no Light“ in powerful sound. Delivery of a powerful live performance undoubtedly highlights for all fans of extreme Music.
Borknagar after 21 years Borknagar from Norway finally returned to PSOA with their original style of progressive Black/Viking Metal. Now fronted by ICS Vortex they presented an amazing set of songs, including the epics „Up North“ and „Winter Thrice“, the classics „Colossus“, „Ruins of the Future“ and „The Dawn of the End“ and a stellar performance of the calm song „Voices“ with Keyboardist Lars on lead vocals. Mostly in very good sound (unfortunately, the mic of the lead guitarist was off the first half of the set) this was amongst my highlights of the festival!.
Endstille the Germany Black Metal. well, I don’t know so much music about this band never heard it before.
the Canadian Death Metal band guested for the 4th time at PSOA. Their modern Style made the crowd circle pitting and crowd surfing pushed by frontman Maurizio Iacono. Some older hits like „Manipulator of Souls“, „Shadows and Dust“ or „As I Slither“ were the highlights for me, with too much newer material being played for my taste. Overall a solid gig that also featured a brand new tune from their upcoming album „Goliath“.
Enslaved. 12 long years since their last PSOA performance the Norwegian Progressive Viking Black Metal giants finally returned! In perfect sound with a great light show they presented a special setlist for this final Ggg of the festival. Their 1994 debut album „Vikingligr Veldi“ was played in its entirety, and the epic opening song from „Eld“, „793 (Slaget om Lindisfarne)“ served as a surprise encore. As Enslaved has released some amazing albums over the last 10 years a setlist with some newer songs would be even better in my opinion. Nevertheless a great ending to an awesome PSOA 2023!
That was the end of PartySan Open Air 2023. It was an amazing time 3 days in a row listening to great bands’ performances and hanging out with friends, now we must wait for one year for the next edition of PartySan Open Air 2024.
Seem the Pandemic season already passed behind us, and most of events indoor and outdoor festivals starting to continue events as before, one of them is the PartySan open-air this year which is the 2 time PartySan open-air after the Pandemic. PartySan open air is kind of like a family meeting for all Metalheads, and this year the PartySan open air Visitor is more than last year. More than 60 Bands will be performing for 3 days, from Thrash Metal, Black Metal, Death Metal, And Grindcore.
Finally, we were here again after a 3-hour drive, this time we arrived a bit early and there was enough time to find some space to put our tent before we went to see the first band. We are lucky that we got quickly through the camping side, most of the people arrived on Wednesday and there was a bad traffic jam in some villages before entering the PartySan Gage.
When we arrived at the Stage grounds they were already crowded from there we could see that this year there were more visitors than last year. At Stage Ground nothing changes look like before, the Metal Market the food stand the Beer bar should be ready to start the first day of PartySan 2023.
The big Canon bell is ringing it means the party is going to start with the opening band from Poland Mentor never heard the band before, but they are quite interested in which old classic guitar sound mixed with catchy riffs punk, Hardcore, Thrash and old school Death Metal and Thrash vocal. It is not the kind of music I listen to, but they are good in live performance and they can bring the audience to enjoy from the beginning till the end of the show.
Even though the weather getting worse, the schedule must move on with the second band that will come up isOrbit Culturethe Scandinavians conjure up dark melodic death metal. Palm muted riff with fast riffs intersect with groovy and chugging and passages sometimes thrashy, with clean backing vocals with melodic and dynamic sound coming out the stage, seems all of the audience enjoyed listening there music even though was raining at the time. In my opinion, they are great life shows and very tight and great sound was glad to see them here.
Next is the Thrash metal from Spain,Angelus Apatridait was lucky for them that not rain anymore the sun came out again. They are intense thrash metal, full of speed, power, attitude, groove, and riffs galore. Sadly they didn’t play some of the new songs from the new album called Aftermath, which will come out in October. It was fun to show them on the stage and listen to what they played it reminded me of some old-school thrash Metal late 80s. Even though the show was ending a bit early, it was a great performance.
Gatecreeper,never have see them yet live. The American Death Metal from Phoenix. They sound kind of Swedish Death with a slow heavy, ambiance, and brutality. Very catchy riffs with a classic Raw of Death Metal sound. It reminded me of Obituary, Bolt Thrower with a slightly hardcore touch and also they play with their own style very interesting. The performance from them seems extremely accessible, really outstanding, without a doubt. Glad to show them in here.
The next band I have been waiting for, I have been following them for quite a long but I never show them in life performance. The Canadians Technical Death Metal Archspire. At the same time at on the main Stage there are a lot of fans of them waiting can’t waitto start. The Canadians guys blow me up how tight they play in life performance, you hear the blast-speed and breakdown tempo with catchy groove riffs and typing bass style thy are amazing Musician, I was thinking at the moment how they can play with complicated riffs like that without fail, they place very smooth. The front man he can speed and faster singing it kind of like Raps singing in different ways also he did well entertaining to the Audience with his jog and asking the Audience to play some games. The circle pit in front of the stage continues without ending until the end of the show. The Canadian guys know how to keep the audience busy.
Deströyer 666 the Black Thrash Metal band from Australia, the band already quit long on the root which almost 30 years, correct me if Im wrong. The band already 3 times played PartySan now the 4th. There is quit anougth crowded at the time at mein stage. I don’t know so much about this band know just view track from them. The band sound like heavy classic thrashy, melodic, versatile and atmosphericsome time mix with kinds likes Speed Metal with mid-tempo. The performance are great but they sound at the time not really quit good, just hear the kick drum and the bass came out of the sag, it miss some brightness.
Tribulation, a Swedish Heavy Metal, band quite often plays at PartySan Open Air, at the beginning of the show I was a thing it that Tribulation was on the stage now, they looked different, especially the outfit whit fantasy outfit but after a few minutes I could recognize some of them and I did know that there are new member are play as guitar. Their performance is great as I showed them the last time only a little bit changed from the sound and also the new Guitarist plays much difference as the previous Guitarist one play really smoothly and the old one played more action on the stage, but still nice to show them here with us.
The second band I have been waiting for is the Death Metal band from South Carolina, NileHow doesn’t know the Nile everybody who likes extreme Metal the know Nile? It is Sad that the old bass vocal left the band. Now they had a new member which bass and vocal. If I compare the old and the new Nile it not much difference now they place more technical Death Metal and faster riffs and Blast-speed drums, which is great but it something missing than the Groovy and the oriental Melodie parts. However The performance was great and the sound was perfect, I was joyed to see them from the beginning until the end, even though there was a delay of about 25 minutes during their show, some technical problem with the sound check, and also they can’t play the complete set, it sad but it can happen sometimes.
Deicidehit the MainStage the Death Metal band from Florida US. It’s great that they came back here again I’m not wrong they were here in 2019, that was the first time I showed Deicide. At the beginning of the show they play some tracks from 1992 from the album “Legion” and after that, they play some more old stuff which is great for me it is like some memory for me where I hear the old song from them. I showed them last week at another festival was a great show without no doubt, even Mr Glen Benton the frontman sometimes he forgot his own text, but it doesn’t bother him. Seems all of them were in the mood on the stage even though the beginning was delayed but it was not long as Nile. By the way, they deliver great sound and an awesome setlist.
Finally, the last band for this evening is the Old School Death Metal from USA Obituary, every metalhead knows this band the band has already been long in the metal scene also already has many albums bring. It was not the first time they played at PartySan but when you see Obituary live show you will never get boring can see them more and more. The Music The groovy catchy riff and the Melodie it will stay in your mind. This was the first time I heard that frontman “John Tardy” was speaking to the Audience, I did show them many times but he never did that. The performance was amazing the perfect sound it was more than the last time they played here. The setlist was a mix of the old and new it was the perfect setlist of course the Audience likes to hear from old staff like Slowly We Rot, Slow Death, and more. Was enjoyed all long the show it was like a happy ending for the first day of PartySan 2023.
Was thinking of going to the Party after show but my body said no need for some rest. it was an amazing day with many great bands and also hanging out with old friends that I just show once time in a year, I can’t complain. Before hitting bed want to get some food and save some energy for tomorrow
What else is there to write about the PartySan Metal Open Air, Jarne, Mieze & Co. once again invite you to dance with noise and good humor, one of the largest extreme Metal festivals in Europe.
The festival was founded in 1996 and over the years has grown into one of the most important festivals for extreme metal music, which mainly of Death Metal, Black Metal, Thrash Metal, Down Metal, and Grindcore.
The Party will be taking place from 10,-12.08.2023 as usual in Schlotheim at the Obermehler airfield in beautiful Thuringia, There is only one address in Germany for fans of extreme metal.
One or the other cracker has already been announced. Let’s start with the bigger bands and work our way down the billing.
Saturday seems today are gonna be nice weather, a bit cold that yesterday but as long as the sun is shining everything are okay. one a glass of water and coffee that already make me wake up. Before the party is starting better to get some food and prepare some stuff. After breakfast went to Metal Mark and visiting some friends. Today it will begin with goregrind mix of grindcore band from Sweden, Razorrape. The bands are good to entertain know how to handle with the audience for the early noon. which big circle pit continued in from the stage seems they have enjoyed the show most of the wearing unique costumes and holding toilet brush bubble pistols. They combine some more groovy elements with fat Guitar sound and the fact that the dual vocals (one by Martin, founder of the band, who also bangs the drums like they’re his slave) are making this sound even sicker than what it is. Putting these guys up as an opener for Saturday was apparently a good decision. Great show and There is a good mood preprogrammed.
A view minutes break and continued with the Swedish classic heavy rock, blues, and psychedelia band, Graveyard. Seem to have fallen out of time with their powerful retro blues rock. Show up visually and acoustically like a rock band from the late 60s. Served as a main course solid Death Metal with Doomigen guitar parts, which often drift off into the melodic. was quite crowded at the time. it was enjoyed to see the show while drinking my Caffe. Next continued with a Finnish Melodic Death Metal Wolfheart. the formed in 2013 by Tuomas Saukkonen as solo project band. sound self-proclaimed as winter metal, which aggressive and full of energy mixed with acoustic and fragile, harsh black/death metal or atmospheric doom, very great full show even that was not kind the music I like. Harakiri For The Sky the Post Black Metallers from Austria, they have gained quite some popularity and it showed looking at the amounts of people that came to watch them, in my opinion, they are more into Melodic Death Metal that Black metal or post-Black metal which much more riff traditional of Death Metal in every song, great live performance full of emotion from the stage. Next, a Norwegian black metal Carpathian Forest one of black metal’s nastiest and most misanthropic bands and a cornerstone of the early Norwegian scene. formed in 1992 by Nattefrost and of black metal’s nastiest and most misanthropic bands, and a cornerstone of the early Norwegian scene. ‘The Fucking Evil Years’ combines all three of their Season of Mist recordings into one specially-priced package of rancid black filth and impurity. As well as more or less erotic accompaniment on stage shocks nobody today. Instead, Old Master Nattefrost has nestled with his men in rock-rolled black metal, who live beyond good and evil. Move into Speed Metal from Canada Exciter. They are widely considered to be one of the first speed metal bands and a seminal influence of the Thrash Metal genre. Although I am not familiar with the classics of the Canadian trio, seem was not a lucky show for them, there had some technical issue, sound awry and creepy. The trio cast on the stage relentlessly reveals their disadvantages: The guitar solos create gaps in the sound that no rhythm guitarist is able to fill. On top of that, the excessive instrumental gnomes between the songs are just annoying over time. it can bee happen that the band some time in the moot to play and sometimes not. Sadistic Intent is a death metal band formed in 1987 in Los Angeles, California. They were one of the pioneering classic death metal acts in the area, they are one of the cult bands in the underground. With their brute power on stage, they also prove where they have this reputation. Energetic and active, like a cross between old Morbid Angel and Unleashed, the sound pleasure is clouded by the refreshing wind again and again. The Americans from LA simply tear the audience along and positive surprise. Next time for the NetherlandsDeath Metal Band Pestilence. They are has been view time break up in 2016 they reunited once again. In the beginning, they are a Thrash Metal band Later they became a death metal band and incorporated more jazz and fusion influences in their music. I have been following the band since I know Metal Music but never see them in live performance now finally there they are standing at mainstage ready to make some noise. which precise tempo changes and nimble, downright evil-sounding, minor-key guitar work would help pave its ascent into the nether regions of death metal. very technical with mix old school and new school refs and very heavy. great and powerful live performance wich good reaction of the fans in front of the stage. Tribulation, The Swedish Heavy Metal, Black Metal, Psychedelic Rock, and Gothic Rock. In the beginning, they are known as Death Metal. This was the third time they are playing at Party.San. Catchy Heavy Metal sound come out from the mainstage which great full appearance on the stage especially of the Guitarist Jonathan Hultén, he never stands always move and dances in ecstasy across the stage. This is downright cinematic. Progressive guitars mingle with heavy death and black metal sounds, even that not my music style but just respect how they acting on the stage it was an amazing live show. Brujeria, the Grindcore band from Mexico, a bunch of crazy Mexicans who decided one day to do some of the craziest music which the theme of Cocaine, life, death, sex, political situations. Pretty much every hard subject you can think about, the music is an awesome, groovy kind of Death Metal that dabs into the realms of Grindcore for some great moments, and tracks as aggressive as “Colas De Rata” are just instant moshpit activators, whereas always communicate with the crowd is at its peak in this kind of gig, even making a few thousand people yell “Fuck Trump”, before the bass-layered “Viva Presidente Trump” before the next track are play, trying to make a joke story with Spanish language even most of the audience has no idea what they’re speaking about. With the small gestures, the movements, and the music tell the story almost as good as words. These know how to keep the audience happy. Continued with Thrash Metal From Frankfurt am Main, Germany, Tankard. Most Metal fans know them, one of the old band from Germany long with Along with Kreator, Destruction, and Sodom, which always full of energy in every live show. The singer always keeps moving from the right to the left always try to keep contact with the audience. It was a good combination of Germany band play in front of the Germany Audience. Party San knows this because bands like Tankard and Kreator keep coming back to the festival, with good reason. The show they played was great as always and I was happy they involved some fire into the show because it was getting really cold on the festival field. Watain, i don’t know what I should say about them, just leave after taking view photos of them, I have been often seeing them in another festival and also the music what they play it not get me in touch.
Party.San, always great to be here which great festival atmosphere, it was not realized that the time running so faster 3 days fell like it was yesterday the festival begins. Look forward to the next edition of Party.San 2019! see you next year.
Friday the second day of Party.San which great weather sunshine. traditionally in Second of Party.San starts with Grindcore band. Their most of Grindcore fans with a special costume, toilet brushes and confetti in their hands moved towards the festival ground it was quite crowded for early noon in stage ground which is waiting for the party begins.
Start with a Grindcore band from Italy Guineapig. The circle pit started immediately, and happy people slamming and walking or running in circles were continually in front of the stage. Look very colorful at that time, which a lot of toilet paper and toilet brushes flying in the air. The trio Italian guys know what it takes to make wakeup and entertain the audience, which simple riffs with fat distortion guitar sound following groovy drum, growl vocal it makes you not just stand. Now I really wake up. It was enjoyed seeing their show, the great Opener band. Continued with Black Metal. The Committee, which may be referred to by bands like Dissection, Mgła or Uada. The band is completely masked and dressed in uniforms reminding one of the Soviet officers including, jackets, belts badges, and stars, which influence of Russian folk song mixed with melodic Black and Doom Metal. Although the group describes itself as apolitical, great musical specials the blastbeat drummer, but their not much movement on the stand is not really matching with the song what they are playing at the moment. Next, time for Deathgrind from France Benightedone of the band I’m looking forward. One of Europe’s best modern death metal, have delivered high-speed brutality for 20 years, with extremely catchy grooves and nasty grind attacks. Straight to the point and ultra-brutal, the fiver from the Season Of The Mist stable with the modern death steel at the edge of Slam Death beats which strong show that invites to propeller headbanging and stomps into the hearts of the audience, breathless circle pits that make you feel like you are just about to slaughter. The frontman Julien, who raged barefoot around the stage always in contact with the audience, which continued crowd surfing. It was a blast to see them even I show them many times, but it’s nice to have them here. The atmosphere Black Metal from Portland, Oregon USA Pillorian. Pretty young band the band formed in early Summer of 2016 by Stephen Parker “Maestus, ex-Arkhum”, John Haughm “ex-Agalloch”, and Trevor Matthews “Uada, ex-Infernus” with the goal to create a unique, sinister, and twisted style of dark/black metal. The atmospheric gloomy Pillorian sounds in combination with John Haughm’s throaty screams are predestined for this. The band members have grown audibly and noticeably through touring and present themselves as a stronger unit than in previous performances. Great sound very even some problem with sound technic but they still keep move. I’m not really into Black metal but this one I like mixed with some old school death metal riff and also the drumbeat Continued with Coffins the old school Death Metal from Japan. The fiver Japanese are playing their classic heavy metal with an enormous amount of the audience, playing the most heavy metal combos of the festival on the wall. As fast as the fists in the air and the hair fly in time. Guitarist Martin Jonsson and bassist Tobias Petterson are in no way inferior to the audience in terms of propeller-banging, while frontman Oscar Carlquist – true to style with studded bracelet and chain on the leather pants – makes it clear: “We are the commanders, you are the legions! And this is heavy-metal-tyranny. Simpler, grinding mid-tempo death metal, sometimes doom-grooving with ultralow-tuned guitars and even deeper vocal, every unique, morbid atmosphere. Next an American Death Metal/Melodic Death Metal band from Waterford, Michigan Black Dahlia Murder. With their mix of melodic death lead and furious Metalcore, they are the most modern Extream Metal band in this ere. with extremely catchy grooves riffs. The performance of the musicians impresses: Every raging guitar-tapping, every demanding drum-fill sounds in rarely heard precisions the guys moved on to tunes such as “Matriach” and “Nightbringers” with its many shift-changing tunes and subtle breaks, attracting even the toughest people around to bang their head from time to time and release a little steam. created a massive Circle Pit will turn up full and make for movement in front of the stage. Was strong and powerful live performance. Deserted Fear the Death Metal from Thuringia. which combine an old-school feel with a more modern approach, and this defines their sound quite well, as these three guys grew to be pretty big in Germany with their last two full-length albums. The flamethrowers ignite in moments that were not so agreed. So the long, flowing hair of the guitarist almost captures fire. Of the technical mishaps, however, the guys can not audibly bring out of the concept. Their death lead creates a great mood in the audience, which always emphasizes how honored it is to be able to perform in such a season in front of such enthusiastic audiences, the deep growls make them completely unrecognizable. The drummer works the bass of the drums almost to death. Happy and not without having collected plenty of sympathy points, it seems like PartySan is their home turf for them. Continued with the legend of Thrash Metal from USA Exhorde, which two successful full-lengths in the 90s, they were view time break up. now they are here with us. In the live presentation, the classics of the two to date only albums of the group – “Slaughter in the Vatican” and “The Law” – have lost none of their power. Since they have new member they band work more solid and sound more powerful, With indomitable playfulness and tons of groove. while tunes like the religion-hating “Slaughter In The Vatican” made the crowd go crazy for the these Thrash veterans. It’s was an amazing show with full of energy on stage. Unleashedwho do know this band one of the successes Old-school Death Metal from Sweden. They are very good and solid, with no major surprise. the die-hard fans with classics like “Into Glory Ride “And” Where No Life Dwells “as well as strong new numbers, Even “Death Metal Victory” comes across quite well, although I notice that the line between dull monotony and a catchy melody can sometimes be very narrow. Nevertheless, the appearance seems a bit old-fashioned compared to other bands even like that the crowd in front of the stage seem enjoyed the show. Time for Brutal Death Metal from USA Dying Fetus the band has been view time has been played at Party.San. seem they are a regular guest here. even like that most of Brutal Death Metal band are always wait for this one. the band always delivered most crowded. faster riff with blast beat drum sound comes out from the from the main stage. the trio of Maryland guys how to deal with the fans which mixed old school and new school style very catchy and groovy riff it makes not the audience just stay stand. big circle pit with a continued crowd surf make the security keep busy in fron of the stage. was great setlist like “Kill Your Mother, Rape Your Dog” short but a killer song. also with new song “Wrong One To Fuck With” which heavy, fast melodic, catchy and brutal, which classic death sound. was a blast to see the performance. Time for the headliner band, Black Metal Band from UK Venom. the band also one of the regular bands are playing at Party.San. It’s only natural that the most suitable opening track this evening would be “Black Metal”, only to be followed by the no-less memorable “Welcome To Hell”. Dante, who usually sits behind the drum kit, is recovering from an injury and replacing him was Karlos Bareham. The veterans of old Thrash/Black have continued with pretty much every other well-known song in their rooster, like “Buried Alive”, “The Evil One”, and they even finished with a sweet encores that included the mighty “In League With Satan” and “Witching Hour”, which in my opinion is the best Venom song. Great show but there lest action from the audience.
Not realizing how fast time is running away, they’re still one day more keep safe the energy for tomorrow coz tomorrow will gonna big day which great band is playing.
Finally, we arrive in early noon after a long drive, so crowed at the moment at the Gate to entering the camping ground, finally after 30 minutes we are here “Welcome To Hell”. Look like a very busy at the camping ground most of Visitor still builds own Tent as like us. After we are done builds our Tent start to exploring and visiting some friends get some nice Germany Biers while waiting the first band is entering at the Mainstage.
The weather is great which the Sun is shining, it’s seem gonna be a good start for the first-day experience at the Airstrip, around 2.30 PM come big exploding sound from Mainstage it means the party will begin.
As the first Band from Salzburg, Austria will be entering the Main stage, Our survival depends on the Us. Great atmosphere of Decoration, Fox head, antlers, bones and branches, they play their very Melodically and powerfully mixed with atmospheric Black Doom metal. Unfortunately, it brings your mind into nature atmospheric. After couples of the song there some problems with the sound, but the sound was getting under control. Was great opener band I was enjoying the show. Gruesomehit the main stage the second band Death Metal from the USA Explicitly asserted as a tribute to the legacy of Death the multi-state death metal project Gruesome was born out of guitarist/vocalist Matt Harvey and drummer Gus Rios’While playing classic Death. They played a great show that was truly worthy of praise and delighted the fans, as evidenced by the number of a metalhead in front of the stage. a truly great tribute band, not only authentically connected to the Chuck heritage but more than living up to it.
The old Black Death Band from Sweden, Unanimated which influenced melodic Death Metal. Brought life in 1988 with released two Album before disbanding in mid-1996: In TheForest Of The Dreaming Dead1993 and Ancient God Of Evil 1995. So expect nothing but evilness, blasphemy, and darkness clad in wicked riffs, haunting melodies, and grimmest vocals, in between classic Dissection and At the Gates very classic sound. The twin guitars to have an awesome cutting edge unheard in many melodic. Great performance which large audience in the early day of the first day. Dead Congregation next comes up onto Main Stage the, Death metal band from Greece. Present themselves in perfect harmony and dynamics and technique but also with a sense for songwriting through their set. Not longer than half set to come up the deep black storm clouds it getting more and more which following by wind blowing harder and harder seem a big Storm will come soon after view second come warning alarm telling to all visitors that they should leave the festival ground immediately. It was chaos at the time everything flying in the sky, in 20 minutes the storm destroyer all around the festival area which a lot of tents are broken. Thankfully, no one is injured. It was all so scary.
After the Storm is gone the situation come back normal, which continues with Anaal Nathrakhand no band was failing. The British band which experimental in the sense of an extreme Metal mixture of Grindcore and Industrial Metal it very quite unique. Unlike most of the genre-representatives, the naming has here exceptionally nothing to do with anal penetration, but comes from the movie “Excalibur” and means something like “snake breath”. Completely brutal blast beats, unrestrained distorted guitars and a gripe from another star are combined with sonic clean vocals. And that was well received. A completed infield celebrated the British and their innovative art. Destroyed and delivered sympathetically. Definitely the surprise of the festival!. Continues with American classic of the Thrash Metal band Toxic Holocaust. The US boys from Portland convinced with their punk influences and fast-paced songs with their powerful thrash metal. mood, the fans were in their spell and made for the first crowd surfers with songs like ‘Wild Dogs’, ‘Nuke the Cross’, Reaper’S Grave or ‘War is Hell’. Their raw energy with simple riffs, but very aggressive war great show and a lot of fun to see them all along the performance.
Time for the Canadian the Black Death Metal band Revenge. The trio with the unreadable logo is certainly not for everyone.“ Us And Them” opened the mighty setlist, whereas right after it, came “Traitor Crucifixion” when James and Chris alternating and trading some of the vocals between them to create a massive wall of anger and fear. The band continued to alternate between older and newer material, hate-filled Noise Black Metal that is hard to beat for hatred, anger, and destruction. The greatest appearance of the evening follows now.
Because of the Sandstorm in the early noon, it makes the schedule is delayed for an hour, usually right now Master’s Hammer will enter the main stage, but the schedule is the changes which the legend of Black Metal from Norwegian is singing on the main stage, Emperor. One of the biggest Black Metal was known as one of the most infamous Norwegian black metal bands during the early and mid-1990s, which regarded as highly influential by critics and emerging Black Metal. The band played as well as they are a good show. But as typical of Black Metal with a certain distance to the audience. A variable light show also enchanted the eye. Especially pleasing that other colors are used except red and fog. The fans celebrated the band and thanked it with applause and the headbang. Was good to see them here at PartySan, for me they are nothing special but, they are really good at music technic.
The last band for the first day of Party.Sun 2018 Master’s Hammer the Czech Republic Black Metal, Experimental. They have experimented with electronic sounds or an Avant garden Metal which incorporate with Symphonic Metal. They celebrate with all their experience and stage presence Great melodies meet a sovereign performance and distinctive rough voice interweaves with the heavy sound instrumental work to a mystical ritual which impression of being more into a black metal opera. Seem most of the audience are enjoying the show even that not my music style, but it still funs hanging out with a couple of friends while watching till the end of the show.
Well, it was an awesome day and a lot of experience for the first day of Party.San 2018. Before we hit back to the camping site, we when into the Party Tent, listening to some metal Dj, where most Visitors hang out after the show. Looking forward what the new experience for the next day.
We hope that on the second day Party-San is better than the first day, but today it looks the same when I am wake up in the morning it still rains and it does not stop. just hope it will be stopped before the first band gonna play at Main stage. after few hour wait finally rain are stop but from far away seem the black cloud is moving to us seem gonna big rain is coming again, just hurry to get some breakfast and after that prepare our stuff for second day adventure at Party-San.
Today will gonna start with party Circle Pit as a tradition at Party-San on Friday which Grindcore band is opening the Main stage. it has quite crowed at the time which most of the Audience wearing a funny costume waiting for the party with Gut. Gut is a Germany Grindcorband band. which style is characterized in comparison to the classic slower and rock as simple, but they seem not a Grindcore there something missing in the Grindcore category. anyway, the band can reach to make all the audience wake up to get warm which big a Circle-Pit in middle stage ground with all kinds of funny characters, who were running around in a crazy way.
The real legend of Underground Death Metal from Finland Demilich, which formed in the early 1990s. since 1993 the band has been few time are reforming. even though their only album is almost 25 years back. The applause after their appearance was great and the guys had deserved it. with delivers nasty old school sound it made the crowd going crazy. it was a great performance.
Continue with Thrash Metal from New York Demolition Hammer. The crazy New Yorkers were back with a bang and it’s a bang that would not leave ahead in an upright position. with brutal raw sound, pounding songs puked out by angry old men, it has been delivered what a force, and what kind of energy they had. Steve (vocals, bass), who told the crowd that they just are not crazy enough and he wants to see more crowd surf come to the stage. I think that the amount of “fuck” that was said during this gig was surpassed by nothing or it was a lost of the words to say. it was fun to see them on the stage with groovy and catchy sound.
Next will join us on the main stage a Melodic Death Metal from Finland Kalmah. even the band are not my taste but they are all very good musicians and great experience in live performance. The band influenced by death metal, Thrash Metal, and Speed Metal exhibits some neo-classical metal elements in their music along with prominent keyboard melodies.
Finally the band I was waiting for will hit the Main stage Vital Remains. The band I wanted since before to see in live now they are in from of me. after few minutes after check sound come a guys from backstage walking into font stage with a book in his hand. I was thought he will read the book but not I was burned the book. it was vocalist Brian Werner very ceremoniously burning with a torch an old testament. to begin to distribute wax and speed with “Where Is Your God Now” took from the late album from 2007 “Icons of Evil” where already we could enjoy riffs brilliantly interpreted and of Brian Werner in all his splendor to the voice, it was impressive which speed and brutal sound faster riffs mix blast beat a drum and very technical with an awesome guitar solo. “Icons of Evil” where I emphasize the double hype that at times looks like a machine gun; guitarists capable of combining murderous rhythmic foundations, what for a great show it was a blast to see them here at Party-San 2017.
Uada a Melodic Black Metal from the USA will hit the stage, the 4 guys are wearing the black hoody and covered the face it was remembered me some of a band from polish Mgla. With their only album so far, “Devoid Of Light”, they have powerful material in their luggage and manage to cover the festival area in the dark despite the persistent daylight. The four characters, who also make themselves at Pillorian and Infernus, play their set down fast and error-free and leave tons of satisfied festival visitors. Very strong performance.
A Finnish Pagan Metal mixture elements of folk and Black Metal, Moonsorrow. the guys entering the main stage with a white mask with splashing blood on their face and body which hastily presented their old sound, seem ready to bring a darkness atmosphere for us. which are black metal in basis, but add more melodies to their sound, an epic feel. “Jumalten Aika ” which sounded forceful and precise followed by the magnificent and intense” Suden Tunti “. In the final track came “Sankaritarina” and “Ihmisen Aika (Kumarrus Pimeyteen) which demonstrated all their quality with epic melodies, great choirs and quite aggressive. great performance gives the length of the songs might have been somewhat short in duration.
Unwittingly the time passes unnoticed, which five bands are gonna play on the main stage. before the next band hit the stage it time gets some food and grabs some more beer. from there corner, we can see all crew are busy at main stage prepare for the next band Aura Noir. the classic Black Thrash they are has been at Party-San more lest for 7 years ago. the band Sounds like venom in hard and shreds like hell. great musician tight performance.
The Polish old-school Death Metal from Vader. although are rain but most of the fans of them going crazy waiting for the show begin, the most of metal head know them the band has been delivered many great albums. The band was formed in 1983, the same year as the first death metal pioneers Possessed and Death but at that time Vader was a Heavy Speed Metal band after they are developing into Thrash Metal and finally Death Metal which brings out the first demo album in 1986 “Live in Decay”. They are unique and had own characteristic music style and killer sound with mixed from faster in to slow riffs and groovy. which great melodies in every single track. it makes all of the audience going crazy with circle pit and continually crowd surf make all the security keep busy. it was great to see them and listening all great track from them. killer performance.
The South Carolina Death Metal band Nile. The mix between rough Death Metal and Egyptian, brutal riffs combined with melodies that will obviously remind you of the Middle East, definitely catching on. I’m just curious with a new member of Nile, without Dallas Toler-Wade on the stage, it weird. but what I hear from the stage the band seem are the same as Nile i know before. they did good work the band still worked as like usually.”Unas Slayer of the Gods ” “Sacrifice Unto Sebek” was awesome and excellent Egyptian atmospheric intro. both of the track blows me up and most audience going mad down the stage headbang and crowd surf .was excellent show great sound and awesome setlist.
Almost the end of the event today on Friday at Party-San which a Swedish Doom Metal Candlemas come up next at Main Stage. The band had a problem with the Airplane which some of the luggage and music equipment are relocated. they must borrow some of the equipment from another band that they can play. They started their recital so that to the rhythm of the intro were leaving the members of the band little by little until the appearance of their vocalist Matos Levén, to open with ” Mirror Mirror ” The voice and the stage presence of Mats Leven take the attention of an audience that responded to each one of the provocations of the same one. awesome performance but that band are not touching my felling it feels no something special from them.
The last band which the headline band to close of the Main Stage on Friday Autopsy. A death metal band, founded in 1987 in the United States by Chris Reifert and Eric Cutler. the band was broken up in 1995 and reunited in 2009. they band was one of a pioneering band in the death metal and death-doom genres. which Chris Reifert the drummer as vocal, he seems enjoyed from back the drum. growling while playing the drum. it was awesome it hard to sing in same time play drum. it was excellent with roaring guttural, crude and sustained guitars and most of the old school and slow deep riffs, like “Critical Madness” That riff is incredible but simple. very tight show and good atmosphere in the public for the land band.
Was a great time, showed a lot of great bands hang out with friends, even the weather is not so friendly just hope my Tend are not wet that I can get some sleep and save the energy for the next day.
After one year waiting for one of great Festival open air. Party-San. how excited we are can’t wait until we arrived there, which interesting band line up want to see today. But we cant made it because we had a problem with our car on the way. The first begins after around 80 km we are drive and the car started strangely and which some light machine is turn on. around 2 hours we wait for someone to fix the car and finally can continue to drive which hopefully that car can bring us to Schlotheim but it comes to the second problem that car cant move anymore which must bring to the car workshop to fix. we get the exchanges but we must wait around 4 hours. finally, around 08 PM we can drive and about 09.30 PM we arrive at the camping ground.
Dawn of Disease that was the first band we see at Tent stage. The Germany old school Death Metal with hardness and melody, subliminal harmonies and killer riffs are accompanied by rapid blast beats and pounding double-basses which between dark growlings and aggressive screams vocal reaching delivery big crowd on the time in Tent stage. Even we are not seeing from the beginning but the guys can bring up all the audience into crazy the big party in Tent stage.
Continue to the Main stage catching Germany Black Metal Urfaust which dark blue light come out from the Main stage seem to look matching with a black Metal atmosphere. they delivery us an intense show with the ambient melody took over the darkness night, which seems as though the atmosphere was nice, the rain and the darkness of night gave more emphasis of ambient sound come from the stage. Even as the show is started in same time begin a big rain seem most of the audience tried to find staying at the Main stage ground enjoyed all along the show.
Rain, windy, wet and could mix together just hopefully rain stops when the legend of Thrash Metal band from the USA hit the Mainstage. After few minutes break after the check sound done time for old school Thrash Metal Overkill ready to begin the show although the weather gets worse wind mix with rain it was very uncomfortable. the frontman Robert Ellsworth best known as Bobby “Blitz” Ellsworth, always pay attention always keep in touch with the audience he knows how to keep his fans keep busy down the stage. even it was uncomfortable cold and silence on the bones as but the audience still enjoy es such of the tracks of “Rotten To The Core” from “Feel the Fire”, “Rattlesnake Electric” classic and “Hate” with. was very tight performance.
The Highline of Party-San on Thursday Abbath, where is a somewhat humid atmosphere and with the night entrance, was ready to unload on the Party San, where appeared with some delay. With a lot of solemnity in the atmosphere and with his traditional start spitting fire, which at times may be something comical and even he takes it with a little guile, Abbath and his were throwing their Black Metal more accessible for labeling it somehow and where it is logical a good part of the show was supported by the band that made known to him, Immortal. The most followed of the song track were are took from some track from Immortal, like the crude “One By One”, with an outstanding game of lights that gave more emphasis to its action. There is a clear difference between the songs themselves and those of Immortal, which are obviously the most followed in a concert that became somewhat linear and despite the game of lights and fire, he lacked some hook to connect to most of the public. even I show them few of time but always nice to see them again here at Party-San. great performance as like usually.
Although the weather today is not so friendly as like last year which most of the time rain and wind but it is nice to be here again. After the last band is done we move to Party Tent grab some Bier join to some another friend enjoying to listening some music from DJ before we hit back to our tend to sleep.